Some pages in this site may appear or function improperly if the browser in use
has not enabled, or does not support JavaScript capability.
What To Do ...
- First determine what browser version is in use.
From the browser's Help menu choose the last item labeled "About [browser name]...".
Macintosh users should go to the application name menu or the Apple menu and select
the first item labeled "About [browser name]...".
- Next, choose from the links below to find instructions on how to enable or upgrade
popular browsers to be JavaScript capable:
Enable Java Script in Microsoft Internet Explorer
- From the browser's Tools menu select "Internet Options..."
- Select the Security tab.
- Pick the "Internet zone" icon.
- Push the "Custom Level..." button.
- Scroll down the Settings list to the Scripting item. (You may need to double-click
on icons to expand lists.
- Under the "Active scripting" item, choose the Enable radio button.
- Push OK and Yes to confirm and close the Security Settings dialog box, then OK again
to close the Internet Options dialog box.
- Refresh the current page.
Enable Java Script in Mozilla Firefox 2.x
- Open the option preferences
For Windows Users: From the menu bar select Tools >> Options...
For Macintosh Users: From the Firefox menu, select Preferences...
- From the Options window, select the Content icon.
- Check the "Load images automatically", "Enable JavaScript" and "Enable Java" checkboxes.
- Reload the current page.
Enable Java Script in Mozilla Firefox 1.5.x
- Open the option preferences
For Windows Users: From the menu bar select Tools >> Options...
For Macintosh Users: From the Firefox menu, select Preferences..
- From the Options window, select the Content icon.
- Check the "Load Images", "Enable JavaScript" and "Enable Java" checkboxes.
- Push OK to dismiss the dialog box.
- Reload the current page.
Enable Java Script in Mozilla Firefox 1.x
- Open the option preferences For Windows Users: From the menu bar select
Tools >> Options...
For Macintosh Users: From the Firefox menu, select Preferences...
- From the Options window, select the Web Features icon.
- Check the "Load Images", "Enable JavaScript" and "Enable Java" checkboxes.
- Push OK to dismiss the dialog box.
- Reload the current page.
Note: Upgrade Mozilla Firefox
We recommend that all users of Mozilla Firefox, versions and below should
use the upgrade found on the
Firefox page at the Mozilla Web site.
Enable Java Script in Apple Safari 2.x
- From the Safari menu, select Preferences...
- When the Preferences open select the Security icon.
- Check the "Enable plug-ins", "Enable Java" and "Enable JavaScript" checkboxes.
- Reload the current page.
Upgrade Apple Safari
Safari is the default browser for Mac OS X computers. Safari may be launched from
the Safari icon usually found on the Dock or in the Applicationsfolder. To determine
the version, click on the Safari icon on the Dock,or locate Safari in the Finder
and double-click on the icon to launchSafari.
- From the Safari menu located on the left side of the menu bar, choose About Safari.
A popup window will appear stating the version number (and build number in parentheses).
- If needed, obtain the most current Safari for your version of Mac OS X. From the
Apple Menu (the Apple icon located on the menu bar), choose Software Update... After
a few moments, the Software Update window will display the available updates.
- Because installation time may take from few minutes or longer depending on the number
of update items, we suggest you begin when you have time to spare.
- Start by viewing all active and inactive update items. From the View menu, choose
Software Update; choose Show Inactive Updates. Updates that are inactive appear
dimmed in the Software Update list.
- The Software Update window will list all available updates. Check all update items
that are labeled as "Security Update", "Mac OS X Update", and "Safari Update". If
any of these update items are inactive and appear dimmed, first check the item(s),
then choose Make Active from the Update menu.
- Check all the desired active update items and push the Install button. The installed
updates may require restarting the computer upon completion. Note: If items display
a red X and are not installed upon completion, restart the computer and repeat the
software update steps until all items are installed.
- Once the update is complete, Safari is ready for use. According to Apple Computer,
Inc., Safari uses 128-bit (strong) encryption.
Enable Java Script in Netscape 8.x
- From the menu bar select Tools >> Options...
- The Options window will appear.
- From the Browser Options pane, select the Security and Privacy icon.
- From the Options window within the Security and Privacy pane, select the Site Controls
- Select the Site List tab.
- Inside the Web Feature group, check the "Allow images to be displayed", "Enable
JavaScript (/ VB script)" and "Enable Java" checkboxes.
- Push the OK button to close the Options dialog box.
- Reload the current page.
Enable Java Script in Netscape 7.x
- From the browser's Edit menu select "Preferences..."
- Within the Category pick list, expand the Advanced item by clicking on the triangle
- Next, select the subitem labled Scripts & Plugins.
- Within the Scripts & Plugins window, check "Navigator" under the Enable JavaScript
for grouping. In the Allow Scripts to pane, make sure items regarding cookies are
- Push the OK button to close the Preferences dialog box.
- Reload the current page.
Enable Java Script in Netscape 6.x
- From the browser's Edit menu select "Preferences..."
- Within the Category pick list, select the word Advanced.
- Check the box labeled Enable JavaScript for Navigator and push the OK button to
close the Preferences dialog box.
- Reload the current page.
Enable Java Script in Opera 9.x
- Open preferences
For Windows Users: From the menu bar select Tools >> Preferences...
For Macintosh Users:From the Firefox menu, select Preferences...
- From the Preferences window, select the Advanced tab.
- Inside the left-hand pane, pick the Content item.
- Check the "Enable JavaScript", "Enable Java" and "Enable plug-ins" checkboxes.
- Push the OK button to close the Preferences dialog box.
- Reload the current page.